Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Big Bass Splash

It took a little longer to get this post up, sorry for the delay.

I need a manicure and a pedicure bad...yes I still LOVE those.

Anyway, I'm home from my mini vacation to Lake Sam Rayburn. We've gone for the last three years to fish for bass in a three day tournament. It's a big deal if you like bass fishing. Lake Sam Rayburn is the biggest lake in Texas and happens to be in the most awesome part of Texas, East Texas. I kid, I kid. But it is crazy big. And East Texas is the best people watching place ever. There is an abundance of smoking pregnant teenagers, and people with missing teeth. But really, this tournament is a serious deal, there are thousands of anglers that travel from all over the place to fish in the tournament and the prizes usually are in the $100,000s.

We left on Wednesday afternoon for our 5-6 hour drive to East Texas. I hate the drive there. It's soooooo long. I usually take books and magazines to read, always forgetting that the majority of our drive is in the dark. Usually by the time we get there, my eyes hurt from playing sudoku on my iphone. That can't be good for me. Anyway, I love riding in the truck with D. We have a great time singing and laughing and talking about random things. He even has an interest in gossiping every now and then. He's pretty awesome. I guess it's better to indulge me while he's stuck in the truck with me. It's also a good idea to have snacks because I get a little cranky when i'm hungry. I try to control it, but sometimes the hungry monster comes out and I can't control him and I can be a total B word. If you know me, you know what i'm talking about, I'm not exaggerating.

So, the weekend was really fun. Getting up at 4am, on the water by 4:50am. Wake up from my nap about 7:30am and fish until 2pm. Drink beer from 2:30-12am, then wake up and do it all over again. I'm exhausted. Why do we do this to ourselves? Because we LOVE it. We have the best time and by the end of the weekend it feels like we've only been there for 5 minutes.

Last year I caught a 7.99 lb fish and won some money, well, this year I won again!! My fish was significantly smaller (4.85lb), but I still won money. It was so exciting. I don't know how I got so lucky. D is a great net man and taught me everything I know. I feel bad that I caught the fish and he didn't, it's his turn I think. But he was so excited for me. Mil (mother in law) caught a 6 1/2 lb fish on Saturday and won some money and our friend that owns the lake house we stay at caught a 6 lb fish and also won money. It was a very lucky weekend for the group of us that go.

I have to say, fishing isn't always fun. There are several things that I don't like about it.

1. getting up before the sun
2. fishing in the rain and lightning
3. touching fish
4. no potty
5. bugs
6. "It's called fishing, not catching" and I hate it when I don't catch anything

Then there are several things I enjoy about fishing

1. spending time with my husband
2. stress relief, it's very relaxing
3. it makes my husband happy that I enjoy his hobby
4. it can be very exciting
5. the water is peaceful
6. sometimes you can get a tan

I took pictures on the boat this weekend when I was bored and needed a break from fishing. Please enjoy.

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